Heyrnar-og talmeinastöð Íslands (The National and Speech Institute of Iceland) is the center of knowledge in the field of hearing and speech impairments in Iceland. It was established in 1978 under the Ministry of Welfare and Health and has played the key role in forming and carrying out services to people with hearing and speech impairments in Iceland. HTI services are nationwide and the main task of the Institute is to serve those who are hearing impaired in their endeavours towards social inclusion, professional realization or rehabilitation.

The center offers diagnosis and treatment, sales and services of hearing aids and assistive equipment. HTI employs 23 specialists including ENT doctors, hearing therapist (audiologists), speech therapists, psychologists, supporting staff etc.

The Institute performs its role by offering an extensive service in the field of hearing and speech impairments for children, adults and their families regardless of the level of the hearing or speech impairment. The hearing and speech center oversees cochlear implants and the rehabilitation of those which undergo such therapy and possess rich expertise in all modern innovative kinds of technical solutions of the hearing impaired people aiding in their everyday life. The center is leading in research in the field of hearing and speech impairments in the country sharing knowledge about hearing and speech impairments to both the public as well as to professionals. Their goal is to offer first class health service in the field of hearing- and speech impairments not only medically but also in any aspect of people's lives.

HTI is a national agency with operations in Reykjavik and Akureyri as well as mobile clinic visiting other parts of the country being able to reach all beneficiaries on national level. Moreover, they have an advisory role to authorities regarding matters relating to deaf and hard of hearing people as well as speech impaired people.

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